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What we offer 

"There is always the choice between turning back to safety or moving forward to growth. Growth must be chosen once, twice, three, and infinite times; fear must be overcome once, twice, three, and infinite times."


Neuropsychological Assessment 

Also known as  neurocognitive assessment and  a diagnostic investigation aimed at the functioning of mental functions — such as perception, attention, memory, language and logical reasoning. Helps investigate brain injuries or difficulty in neurological functioning.

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Child and Adult Psychotherapy 

"The main objective of psychological therapy is not to transport the patient to an impossible state of happiness, but rather to help them acquire firmness and patience in the face of suffering. Life happens in a balance between joy and pain. Those who do not take risks to beyond reality you will never find the truth."


Neuropsychopedagogical Assessment  

"investigates learning difficulties and disorders based on understanding brain functioning.


Neuropsychopedagogical Assessment  

"investigates learning difficulties and disorders based on understanding brain functioning.

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